Learning Digital Skills

With Google Applied Digital Skills, you can watch videos at your own pace that will help teach you digital skills! These video ‘courses’ are FREE and you can practice with an actual project (having a Google account is required for projects but not for viewing the videos). From personal planning needs to career help, and more, these videos will help all ages improve your digital skills. Let’s get started!

If you wish to view all 144 lessons offered, go straight to the Applied Digital Skills site. You can log in with a Google account and start right away. Below are some suggested lessons to start with:

Personal Productivity

Google Photos: How to work in Google photos to organize, edit and share your photos. 45-90 minutes.

Address Book: Create and organize an online address book using Google Sheets. 45-90 minutes.

Budgeting: Track your monthly expenses using a spreadsheet. 45-90 minutes.

Organize Files: Use Google Drive to organize your files and folders. 45-90 minutes.

Family Newsletter: Make a family newsletter in Google Docs. 45-90 minutes.

Job Seekers & Job Searching

Start a Resume: Start a fresh resume highlighting your skills. Uses a Google Docs template. 45-90 minutes.

Edit Your Resume: Already have a resume but it needs updating? Find help to edit. Uses Google Docs. 45-90 minutes.

Cover Letter: Write a Cover Letter for a Job or Career Change. 45-90 minutes.

Reference: How to ask someone to be a reference for you. 45-90 minutes.

Negotiate Your Salary: Prepare for a salary negotiation by gathering facts and organizing information. 45-90 minutes.

First Day of Work: Organize information that will help you be successful at a new job using Google Docs and Google Maps.

Online Safety & Scams

Digital Habits: Build healthy digital habits through projects. 6-9 hours.

Avoid Online Scams: Learn to identify and avoid online scams by analyzing a real-life situation in a group. 45-90 minutes.

Passwords: Practice creating a strong password and keeping it safe using a spreadsheet. 45-90 minutes.

Online Sources: Determine if a source is credible using a table of key questions in a document. 45-90 minutes.