Marketing The Presidency: A Visual Tour of 125 Years of Presidential Artifacts–Tuesday, November 1, 6:30pm

Join presidential historian Steve Mihaly for this light, fun look at the items our presidential candidates have produced to entice you to vote for them. You will see such items as William McKinley Soap Baby Dolls, Theodore Roosevelt “Big Sticks”, a Franklin Roosevelt Glow In The Dark Stove Pot Covers, and a Richard Nixon Shower Head where the water streams from his mouth.

Please join us for a trip down memory lane of past presidential elections, as well as the people and artifacts from those campaigns.

(See some of Mr. Mihaly’s collection upstairs in our Display Case during the month of October.)


Mr. Mihaly is a resident of Gibsonia, and has been collecting presidential memorabilia for over 50 years. He holds one of the largest privately held collections in the country and his collection has been featured numerous times around the country in publications and TV.